Irene S. Levine, PhD is a psychologist and award-winning journalist, author, and blogger, who writes about travel and lifestyle for some of the nation’s leading magazines, newspapers and websites.
Nancy Sathre-Vogel is a 21-year classroom veteran who made the decision to leave her teaching career behind to travel the world on a bicycle. Together with her husband and twin sons, she cycled 27,000 miles
Gaelyn Olmsted works summers as a Park Ranger at Grand Canyon and travels further afield during winters. She’s always capturing the present for future memories of the past on her Geogypsytraveler blog.
Meg Pier is a writer, photographer and proprietor of View from the Pier, a travel and inspiration site. Meg founded VFTP four years ago after four cancer scares prompted her to check out of a high-pressured media relations career in the investment industry.
A resident of the San Francisco Bay Area, Nancy D. Brown is a lover of all things travel-related. She has combined her passion for travel with her professional writing career.
When it comes to travel, Donna Leftwich Hull is open-minded about the kind of experiences that are included in her trips. She wants to see and do it all, although she does prefer a little luxury thrown in for good measure.
Leyla Giray left her job and life at the age of 43 to backpack solo for six months in Africa. She was gone for more than three years, returning home after two dozen countries on four continents. Here she shares her perspectives on solo travel.