Thanks to Agata Mleczko for letting me share my stories of getting hands-on experiences in Emilia-Romagna with her readers on the Null N Full website. I’ve written about some of the highlights in previous posts on Traveling with Sweeney, but you’ll find new photos and insights in the article on her site. Here’s an excerpt:
One of the aspects of travel that I enjoy the most is the opportunity to step out of a normal routine and try new activities, especially those that introduce you to the people and the culture. At home, I don’t spend a lot of time in the kitchen and there’s little time for crafts. So I was excited by the chance to delve into some cooking and creative activities while visiting the Emilia-Romagna region of Italy. Working side-by-side with wonderful people who take much pride in their traditions, I was delighted to take part in these hands-on experiences.
Making fresh pasta, of course — this is Italy!
There’s much more, so please take a look at Made in Italy: Hands-on in Emilia-Romagna and enjoy some of Agata’s adventures while you’re there.