Wyoming Roundup

A Wild West Road Trip

Stagecoach at Yellowstone

Stagecoaches at Yellowstone National Park

Big Wyoming and Cowboy State are two of Wyoming’s nicknames. Indeed, it is a place of vast wide open spaces and plenty of cowboys. The State Code is even “The Code of the West” from the book, Cowboy Ethics by James P. Owen.

Live each day with courage;
Take pride in your work;
Always finish what you start;
Do what has to be done;
Be tough, but fair;
When you make a promise, keep it;
Ride for the brand;
Talk less, say more;
Remember that some things are not for sale;
Know where to draw the line.

Some people consider Wyoming one of the “flyover states”, a state they’ve only seen from the air and have no desire to visit on the ground. I’ve seen Wyoming from a height of 33,000 feet, but I’ve also seen some of its beautiful scenery and wildlife up close on road trips.

Jackson Hole, Wyoming

A Ranch in Jackson Hole, Wyoming

Grand Tetons in Wyoming

Grand Tetons, Wyoming

Jackson Lake, Grand Teton National Park

Jackson Lake, Grand Teton National Park

Yellowstone National Park

Yellowstone National Park, Wyoming

Bison on Hillside at Yellowstone National Park

Bison on Hillside at Yellowstone National Park

Bison Grazing at Yellowstone National Park

Bison grazing at Yellowstone National Park

Yellowstone Landscape

Yellowstone National Park

elk at yellowstone national park

Elk at Yellowstone National Park

Mammoth Hot Springs at Yellowstone National Park

Mammoth Hot Springs at Yellowstone National Park

Mammoth Hot Springs at Yellowstone National Park

Mammoth Hot Springs at Yellowstone National Park

Yellowstone River

Yellowstone River

wyoming sunset

Sunset near Sheridan, Wyoming

Did you know about these Wyoming state symbols?

State Mammal – Bison
State Fish – Cutthroat Trout
State Fossil – Knightia
State Dinosaur – Triceratops
State Reptile – Horned Toad
State Gemstone – Jade
State Bird – Meadowlark
State Flower – Indian Paintbrush
State Tree – Plains Cottonwood
State Grass – Western Wheat Grass
State Sport – Rodeo (I wonder if their rodeos are anything like the Houston Rodeo I saw a few months ago.)

Yes, you read that right — Wyoming has a “State Dinosaur”! What are your state symbols?

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62 thoughts on “Wyoming Roundup

  1. Nancie

    I have to admit I knew nothing about Wyoming before I looked at your gorgeous photos and read about its state symbols. After seeing the beautiful scenery, I would stop and explore the State if I had the chance.

    1. Cathy Post author

      It really makes me feel good when someone says that my photos have made them think about visiting a new place. Thanks, Nancie!

  2. Leigh

    I have a very good friend who lives in Jackson Hole so I went skiing there a few years ago. Holy steepness. It’s also the only airport I where I’ve been on a plane that’s had to abort it’s takeoff. You need special credentials to fly in and out of there.
    Also took my kids Xcountry skiing one winter in Yellowstone a long time ago – and it was fabulous. Love the variety of landscapes in Wyoming.
    The words of the Code From the West also resonate.

    1. Cathy Post author

      Sounds like you had some adventures in Jackson Hole. I love to ski, but I’m afraid that those slopes would probably be too much for me.

  3. Dick Jordan

    I made my first trip to Jackson Hole and the Tetons (and then on to Yellowstone) about 30 years ago. I remembered by stunned by the view of the Tetons as I stepped off the plane.

    1. Cathy Post author

      Thanks, Marcia. I think you’re right about the state dinosaur question — I wonder if Alex T. reads this blog? 🙂

  4. Jackie Smith

    Some of your scenes reminded me of northern Oregon and our road trip. . .I love these kind of trips and now may have to expand our trips to include Wyoming. This really was an informative – and fun! – post Cathy. The photos are spectacular!

  5. Mary @ The World Is A Book

    Beautiful shots, Cathy! We loved Yellowstone and the Grand Tetons NP! You have an awesome picture of the Tetons. We stayed in Jackson Hole too and found it charming. I love how much the state has to offer nature lovers and those who want some wildlife sighting.

  6. jenny@atasteoftravel

    Yellowstone looks as beautiful as I imagined. At the mention of Jackson Hole , I immediately think of skiing but as with a lot of other skiing spots, they seem to look even better after the snow has melted. Your fabulous photos are proof of this!

  7. Family Travels on a Budget

    Living on the east coast, it’s hard to believe that there’s still so much wide open space in this great country of ours! I hope to make it to Wyoming — and other forgotten states — sometime in the not so distant future! Your photos are beautiful — my favorite is the shot of the ranch in Jackson Hole.

    1. Cathy Post author

      I love big cities, but there’s something about getting away once in a while and getting lost in the wide open spaces that can be very therapeutic.

  8. Jeremy Branham

    Wow, beautiful photos of Wyoming. It’s the least populated state in the entire US but I love the landscape, Tetons, and wildlife. I haven’t been to Wyoming yet – still on my list. It’s one of the 15 states I have left to visit!

    1. Cathy Post author

      15 left — you’re getting there! How about making Wyoming the next one? I wonder if they have a college football team you can follow for your series?

    1. Cathy Post author

      Hmmm.. Wyoming might not end up one of your favorite places, but I’m guessing you’d been blown away by some of the scenery!

  9. Barb

    Really liked all your pictures. I thought I’d be so impressed with Grand Teton and didn’t think Yellowstone would be all that great. Was I ever wrong. Grand Teton has beautiful sights too but Yellowstone is the most uniquie place I’ve even been. Seeing steam come out of the hills next to the road is amazing, incredible blue pools of water that are boiling and all the wildlife. You’ve got me knowing I have to go back again.

  10. Andi at The Particular Traveler

    I’m with Vera–Wyoming is absolutely a destination state! Jackson Hole is a personal favorite spot of mine, and the Tetons and surrounding areas are just magnificent. I was once stopped on the road by a herd of bison running across, and that combined with the snow-capped Tetons, rolling green fields, and brilliant blue sky was one of the most picturesque moments I’ve ever experienced.

  11. Steve

    Yeah yeah…beautiful state…fantastic photos…tell me a little more about this State dinosaur? How do you get to choose your State dinosaur? Do you vote for it? Is it first come, first serve, because it would kind of suck to get stuck with a lame dinosaur like an Apatosaurus or something like that. And who got the Velociraptor? Because that’s the next state I’m stopping in.

    1. Cathy Post author

      I’m rather pleased that there have been several commenters here that never really thought about going to Wyoming before. You’d love Yellowstone, Laurel.

  12. Sophie

    I was in Wyoming when I was a student – but just over the border from Colorado, really – in Cheyenne. Gorgeous photos here – I need to go back and see much more of the state.

    1. Cathy Post author

      Thanks, Sophie. Cheyenne is actually an interesting, historic city. I haven’t stopped there in quite a while– just driven on through.

  13. Rosa Linda Kilgore

    How wonderful to take a little mini-trip to Wyoming with Neil Young as the soundtrack! I just discovered your blog and we’re off to a great start! Thank you!!

  14. Pingback: Luxury Timeshare Resorts for Skiers and Riders

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