Tuscany Art Adventure — September 18 – 24, 2022
Cosanti: The “Against Things” Spirit of Soleri
The Art of Living: Arte de Vivir at La Baguette
Ana Uribe, artist-in-residence for La Baguette restaurants in Lima, Peru agrees with Hubbard’s pragmatic and encompassing approach. By integrating her art in La Baguette –a commercial setting — Ana creates a total ambiance. And it is a permanent work in process as the pieces change from time to time.
Nature and Architecture in Harmony at Taliesin West
A Week in Tuscany: Instagram Highlights
Christmas Traditions in Provence: The Little Saints
Of all the Provençal Christmas traditions that Mr. TWS and I learned about during our France trip last December, the santons (“little saints”) impressed us the most. We came away with an appreciation for the art and craft of these clay figurines created by santonniers and for their importance in the culture as a tradition passed down through generations.